Blwyddyn y carcharorion caeth, O'r diwedd ddaeth i fynu; Nesâu mae gwaredigaeth lawn, I'r rhai sy'n uniawn gredu. Pa mwyaf fo'u cyfyngder hwy, Bydd fwy-fwy eu cysuron; Eu hedd melusach na'r dil mêl, A lifa fel yr afon. Ni ddaw i ran y cyfryw rai Nac och, na gwae, nac angeu; Nac yfed dyfroedd Marah mwy, Ar ol myned trwy'r Iorddonen. Ond derfydd byth eu poen a'u gwae, Eu trallod a'u cystuddiau, Cânt ganu yn y nef mewn hedd, Uwch cyrhaedd eu gofidiau.William Williams 1717-91
Tôn [MS 8787]: Elizabeth gwelir: Ant rhagddynt bawb o nerth i nerth B'le tro' fy wyneb Arglwydd cu Duw cadw f'enaid bach o hyd Yn awr y gwn fod Iesu cu |
The year of the captive prisoners, At last came up; Approaching is full deliverance, For those who are rightly believing. The more be their straits, The more still shall be their comforts; Their peace sweeter that the honeycomb, Which flows like the river. To the part of such shall come Neither distress, nor woe, nor death; Nor the drinking of the waters of Marah any more, After going through the Jordan. But vanish forever shall their pain and their woe, Their trouble and their afflictions, They will get to sing in heaven in peace, Above the reach of their 2017 Richard B Gillion |